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Cat Care

Pet Names

July 01, 2022
Pet names on letter cubes

Did you know that Max was the top male dog name of 2021? We love seeing the cute and fun names people come up with for their animal companions. As it turns out, some recent studies have uncovered some pretty interesting statistics about pet names. A local vet offers some highlights below. Top Dog As mentioned above, Max was the number one boy name for pooches. Other high scorers included Charlie, Milo, Buddy, Rocky, Bear, … Read More »

7 Ways To Keep Your Pet From Getting Lost

June 15, 2022
Green pet tag named Patsy

It’s Lost Pet Prevention Month! This is an important topic, if a sad one. As many as one in three pets are lost or stolen at some point over the course of their lives. That’s a pretty sobering statistic. While we hope all of our patients are safe and sound at home, this is one area where it definitely pays to take some precautions. Here, a vet lists some ways to keep your beloved pet … Read More »

June Is National Adopt a Cat Month

June 01, 2022
Tabby gray cat with human hand in heart shape on its face

It’s June, and it’s National Adopt a Cat Month! The start of summer marks kitten season, a time when many little kitties end up homeless because their owners can’t find homes for them. Throughout the month of June, National Adopt a Cat organizers work diligently, promoting cat adoptions across the country. And why wouldn’t they? Cats can be loving companions that are easy to keep. Read on to find out more about this campaign and … Read More »

Odd Ways Cats Show Affection

February 15, 2022
Two white cats with brown ears snuggles together

Did you know that February is National Cat Health Month? That’s one topic we are happy to help promote! Our feline friends may pretend that they are cold and aloof, but they actually are very grateful for the good care we give them. That said, Fluffy does show her love and appreciation in some rather unusual ways. A Bourne, MA vet lists some of the more purrplexing ones below. Love Bite Another thing Fluffy manages … Read More »

How To Herd Cats

December 15, 2021

Did you know that December 15th is International Cat Herder’s Day? We’re guessing probably not. After all, this kitty occasion definitely takes a back seat to the other major holidays. Also, herding cats sounds a bit, well, impossible. As anyone owned by a kitty can vouch, it’s pretty much impossible to get Fluffy to do something she doesn’t want to. Or is it? A Bourne, MA vet lists some ways to herd cats in this … Read More »

5 Ways To Promote Good Animal Welfare This Holiday Season

December 01, 2021

The holidays are a season for reflecting, and spending time with our loved ones. They are also a season of giving. If you love animals, you may want to consider doing some things to help promote good animal welfare. A local Bourne, MA vet lists a few ways to do that below. Support Animal Rescues Many animal rescues and charities depend on donations to keep running. You can’t go wrong with a monetary donation, as … Read More »

National Animal Safety and Protection Month

October 01, 2021

October is National Animal Safety And Protection Month! Of course, this topic is important all year long. Pets don’t always know what is and isn’t safe for them, and they can easily get into trouble. You’ll need to take a few steps to keep your four-legged friend happy, healthy, and, of course, safe. A local vet offers some advice on pet safety in this article. Dogs Fido is both curious and playful, and he has … Read More »

Ginger Cat Appreciation Day

September 01, 2021
Ginger Cat Appreciation Day

Is your feline friend an orange kitty? If so, you may want to give Fluffy a special treat: it’s Ginger Kitty Appreciation Day! Cats come in all sorts of colors and patterns, and we think they’re all adorable. However, ginger cats definitely have some raving fans! A vet discusses these miniature lions below. Boys Club When you see or meet a new ginger cat, the odds are your new feline buddy is a boy. The … Read More »

Posted in Cat Care

Feline Folklore

August 15, 2021

Kitties are very mysterious little furballs, who have certainly gathered more than their fair share of myths and legends. In fact, for a cute, innocent-looking pet, Fluffy has amassed a rather impressive collection of urban—and rural—legends. A local vet lists a few of them below. Cat Goddesses Our feline friends have been associated with several different goddesses. The most well-known may be Egypt’s Bastet, who was often depicted in feline form. The ancient Greeks had … Read More »

Posted in Cat Care, General

Purrfect Ways To Celebrate Cat World Domination Day

June 15, 2021

Cat World Domination Day is just around the corner: it’s June 21st. While Fluffy may never completely take over the world, she certainly has managed to seize control of a sizable chunk of the internet. She also convinced several ancient cultures to treat her like a furry, meowing deity. Those are no small feats … especially for a furball with really small feet. Read on as a local Bourne, MA vet lists some ways to … Read More »

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East Sandwich, MA 02537
(508) 888-2774
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