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New Year’s Day With Fido

January 1 2022

Happy New Year! Are you ringing in 2022 with a canine companion? If so, you’ll want to keep your pooch in mind as you make plans for the coming year. In this article, a local Bourne, MA vet lists a few ways to start the new year off on the right paw with your furry best friend.

Photo Shoot

This is a perfect time to get some great shots of your canine buddy! Weather permitting, take a walk down the beach to take advantage of that natural light. If you and Fido prefer to stay indoors, experiment with different filters and effects.


Fido probably had quite a few special snacks over the last few weeks. However, New Year’s is a pretty important day, so go ahead and give him one more. Just be sure to stick with healthy options! It’s also worth noting that this is a good time to revisit your fuzzy buddy’s diet. Ask your vet if they recommend any changes.


Could your pup use some work in the petiquette department? There’s no time like the present to get started! Make it a habit to work with your canine pal every day. This is one area where a lot of small steps add up to huge strides. If your four-legged friend has some bad habits that you’ve been trying to break, it may be time to enlist some professional help.

Furry Role Model

Fido can also be helpful when it comes to making resolutions for yourself. Dogs are great examples of the importance of taking time to play, being loyal to those who are good for you, and, of course, exploring new places. Keep those life lessons in mind as you start the new year.

Tail Wags

No matter what your personal goals are for 2022, Fido will be right there with you as you strive to attain them, cheering you on in his own adorable way. Reward him for his loyalty with toys, playtime, attention, and, of course, occasional treats.

Quiet Time

For most people, New Year’s Day marks an end to the holiday season. Come January 2nd, or, for this particular year, Monday the 3rd, it’s back to business as usual. Enjoy some quality time with Fido today!

As your Bourne, MA animal clinic, we look forward to offering you top-notch care in 2022 and beyond. Contact us anytime!

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