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Ginger Cat Appreciation Day

September 1 2021

Is your feline friend an orange kitty? If so, you may want to give Fluffy a special treat: it’s Ginger Kitty Appreciation Day! Cats come in all sorts of colors and patterns, and we think they’re all adorable. However, ginger cats definitely have some raving fans! A vet discusses these miniature lions below.

Boys Club

When you see or meet a new ginger cat, the odds are your new feline buddy is a boy. The gene that produces that ginger color is on the X chromosome. Since girls are XX, that means female kitties need two copies of the gene to become redheads. So, what does Fluffy’s family tree look like? If your ginger is a girl, then both of her parents were gingers. If your furball is a boy, his kids could be either gingers or tortoiseshell.


Our feline friends are all unique individuals, and they all have their own ‘purrsonalities.’ That said, ginger cats do seem to have some traits in common. Boy gingers tend to be chatty, bold, and active. Your little red buddy may yell at you for being late with his dinner, or to tell you to pick him up right meow. Girl gingers, on the other paw, are usually much more gentle and laid-back. They’re also not *quite* as verbose.

Fluffy’s Fashion Sense

Ginger cats can have either long or short fur. Some of them even have curls! There are also several variations in the patterns Fluffy chooses to wear. These include classic, or swirled, as they are sometimes called; mackerel, or striped; spotted; patched; and ticked. Another interesting fact about ginger cats? They are all tabbies! However, not all tabbies are gingers.

Famous Gingers

We can’t really discuss ginger kitties without talking about the most famous one: Garfield! The beloved ‘Flabby Tabby’ was born back in 1978, in the back room of Mama Leoni’s Italian Kitchen. It didn’t take the tiny orange ball of fur very long to realize that lasagna is the best thing ever. The kitten’s rapidly growing appetite for it almost put the restaurant out of business! Fortunately, Jon Arbuckle adopted the sarcastic feline. The rest is history. Of course, we can’t forget to mention Morris, the cat food spokeskitty (or technically, spokeskitties) that captured millions of hearts back in the 80’s.

Do you have questions about your ginger cat? Contact us, your animal clinic, today!

6 Ways To Keep Your Cat Healthy

Cats are known for being fairly easy keepers. Fluffy will meticulously clean her fur every
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