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Ways to Celebrate Snake Day

July 15 2021

July 16th is World Snake Day! Snakes play a very important role in our ecosystems, but they often get a bit of a bad rap. These beautiful creatures can make stunning and fascinating pets. They’re also quite helpful to have around, as they eat rats and mice. A Bourne, MA vet lists great ways to celebrate our reptilian pals below.

Support Conservation Efforts

Snakes face many of the same issues as other types of wildlife, including habitat loss, climate change, pollution, and, in some areas, dwindling resources. Do what you can to protect and preserve fragile ecosystems. This may mean opting for non-toxic cleaning products, purchasing things that use sustainable resources, and reducing your use of plastic.

Do Some Reading

Snakes are actually quite fascinating to learn about. They are one of the oldest animals, and are found all over the world. There are 3,458 types of snakes, ranging from the teeny-tiny Barbados threadsnake to the massive green anaconda. Out of all of those, only 600 are venomous. And of those 600 or so ‘nope ropes’, only about 200 are true ‘danger noodles’, which are considered medically important.

Adopt A Snake

Adopting any animal is a lifetime commitment, and not one you should take lightly. That said, if you’ve been interested in snakes for a while, and are ready to take the plunge, this is a great time to do it. There are some caveats, though. If you’ve never had a snake before, start with a ‘beginner’ model. Some gentler, friendlier snakes include the Garter snake, Corn snake, Ball python, and Kingsnake. First-time snake owners do face a learning curve, so you’ll want to do plenty of research before purchasing your reptilian buddy. Be sure to only purchase snakes from reputable breeders or pet stores. You’ll also need a great herp vet.

Watch A Movie

Many people like to relax at the end of the day by watching movies or TV shows. Pick something with a snake theme. Documentaries are great, but if you want something sillier, try the Anaconda series. Snakes On A Plane is another good bet. And while Cobra Kai may not actually feature any snakes, it at least has one in the title. Close enough!

Please do not hesitate to reach out if ever we can be of assistance. As your Bourne, MA animal clinic, we’re here to help!

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