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The Benefits of Cuddling Kittens

March 15 2021

March 23rd may be one of the cutest days on the calendar: it’s Cuddly Kitten Day! While any day is a good day for cuddling kittens, we’re happy to spread the word about this special occasion. As it turns out, snuggling your feline friend regularly is good for both of you! A Bourne, MA vet lists some of the benefits of cuddling little Fluffy below.


Cuddling your cat is definitely important for bonding. Kitties often feel very safe and secure when they are being snuggled. Actually, Fluffy often sees her humans as ‘parents.’ When you cuddle her, a special hormone, Oxytocin, which is known as the Cuddle Hormone, is released in both of you. This is associated with feeling loved and safe. It can definitely help strengthen that special bond of love that people have with their pets.


Fluffy’s cuddles truly are a great source of comfort on bad days. In fact, snuggling cats can be very helpful for people who are struggling with grief, anxiety, depression, or trauma. This is why more of our furry buddies can be found working in places like nursing homes and hospitals, comforting their human friends. 


If your feline pal is just a baby, cuddling her regularly is very important. Being held and petted is crucial for socialization. Letting little Fluffy get used to being petted and handled regularly now will go a long way towards helping her grow into a friendly, outgoing adult cat. Invite friends and family members over for extra kitten cuddles!

Health Perks

Cuddling your feline friend isn’t just good for your mental health. It also benefits you physically! Hugging a purring cat can be very soothing. That can translate into some pretty impressive perks for your health. The benefits include lower blood pressure, reduced risk of stroke, and lower risk of heart attacks. In fact, kitty purrs have even been shown to improve bone density! Fluffy can also help with insomnia. As anyone with an affectionate feline knows, purring cats make great sleep aids.


Of course, these perks only apply when you cuddle a cat that enjoys the attention. Never force Fluffy to submit to being petted or held. Some of our furry pals prefer to bond with us from a distance. That’s purrfectly fine!

Is your kitten due for an appointment? Contact us, your Bourne, MA veterinary clinic, today!

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