March is Adopt A Rescued Guinea Pig Month! If you’re thinking about adding a smaller pet to your family, this may be the perfect option. A local Bourne, MA vet offers some advice on adopting these charming furballs below.
Pick More Than One
Guinea pigs are very sociable. In fact, it’s illegal to only have one in Switzerland, because they get so lonely without friends. Consider getting a same-sex pair. You can often find adorable bonded pairs available for adoption together.
Get A Great Cage
Guinea pigs spend lots of time in their cages, so make sure it’s a good one. For two cavies, we recommend at least 10 square feet. You can get a multilevel cage if you like. This will save you some floor space. Just make sure there’s an enclosed ramp for access, so they can’t fall.
Offer Chew Toys
Making sure your pint-sized buddies always have suitable chew toys is very important! Fortunately, you can make these out of many household items, such as cardboard and plain paper. Ask your vet for more information.
Do Your Research
If you’ve never had a Guinea pig before, you may be facing a slight learning curve as to your new pals’ care needs. For instance, you may not know that these tiny furballs can get very sick if they don’t get enough Vitamin C. Dive into some reading, and educate yourself on things like safe and unsafe foods, habitat needs, and signs of illness.
Contact Your Vet
Your vet is also a great source of information on this. Give them a call, and set up an appointment for the little guys. This is a great chance to get some specific care tips!
Let Your Cavy Settle In
Guinea pigs are very friendly, but they do need time to adjust to their new homes. Don’t try to pet or play with your new buddies right away. Let them get comfortable first!
Pat Yourself On The Back
Giving such a small animal a happy future may not change the world, but it will change that pet’s world. We think all of our animal friends deserve loving homes, and we’re always thrilled to see these tiny furballs being loved and pampered.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if ever we can be of assistance. As your Bourne, MA veterinary clinic, we’re here to help!