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8 Reasons to Appreciate Bearded Dragons

January 15 2021

Did you know that tomorrow is Appreciate A Dragon Day? If you are considering adopting a dragon, a beardie may be a good option for you. A Bourne, MA vet lists a few of these charming lizards’ best traits below.

Easy Care

As far as reptiles go, beardies are quite easy to care for. In fact, getting their environmental conditions right is half the battle. Aside from that, you’ll mostly just have to feed your pet lizard, keep his terrarium clean, and bathe him regularly. Ask your vet for specific information, including tank size, substrate, heating and lighting requirements, and, of course, dietary needs.


While some snakes and lizards get very large, bearded dragons really don’t get that big. You won’t have to worry about building your pet a huge enclosure, or dedicating a whole room to them.


Another great thing about bearded dragons is the fact that they’re naturally quite docile. They don’t move very quickly, and tend to be quite timid. 

They’re Cute

While your bearded dragon may never learn to Roll Over, Fetch, or Play Dead, they may very well charm you with their lizard antics. Beardies often run around for attention, and they have their own cute ways of ‘begging,’ such as tapping on their terrarium glass.


Bearded dragons can live over a decade with proper care. This isn’t as long of a commitment as you have with some reptiles. Many turtles, for instance, can live over 50 years! However, you will be able to enjoy several years of friendship and companionship with your beardie.


Bearded dragons are much more personable than some people think. Some are shy, some are outgoing, and some are quite affectionate. This makes them very fun little pets!


Because they don’t have fur, lizards are often much easier on people with allergies than dogs or cats. This makes them a great choice for households where one or more people have allergies.

Suitable For Kids

Everything we’ve listed above makes these adorable little lizards excellent options for gentle, mature children. If your youngster is asking for a pet, consider getting them a dragon … one that doesn’t breathe fire! Your little one might be absolutely delighted to have a pet dinosaur.

As your Bourne, MA veterinary clinic, we’re dedicated to offering excellent veterinary care. Please feel free to contact us anytime!

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