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Gift Ideas for Fluffy

December 15 2020

How is your holiday shopping going? You only have a few weeks left. If you’ve forgotten to pick something up for your cat, you’re in luck. It’s not hard to get your feline friend a few stocking stuffers! Here are some ideas from Sandwich Animal Hospital, your Bourne, MA vet clinic. 


Cats love to play when the mood strikes them. Make sure your pet has plenty of fun toys to keep her occupied. Not only does it stimulate her mind, it keeps her physically active, which is essential for lifelong health. You might try sprinkling a bit of catnip on your pet’s toys to really get her riled up. 


What cat doesn’t love the occasional treat? Pick up a bag or two of cat treats at your local pet supply store for a good last-minute gift. Try to select a type of treat that offers your pet some health benefit. There are dental treats that help clean your cat’s teeth and gums, for example, or treats that can promote better gut health. 

New Bed

If there’s one thing that every cat enjoys doing, it’s sleeping. Why not get your cat a plush new bed this holiday season? In fact, your cat probably would like multiple beds set up around the house for her napping pleasure. Indulge her with a new sleeping spot. 

Scratching Post

Scratching posts allow your cat to get out her desire to scratch and claw things without destroying your furniture or carpets. And they’re easy to place in various corners of the house where they won’t be in the way. If your cat doesn’t seem to be taking to her post, you can try sprinkling a bit of catnip on it and praising her vigorously when she does use it. 

Cat Tower

Cat towers offer multiple platforms that your cat can jump to and from, or she can just sit on the top one to survey her territory. Cat towers often come with built-in toys and scratching posts, too. It’s an all-in-one fun zone for your pet! And like toys, they encourage your cat to get moving on a daily basis, which is good for her overall health. 

From all of us here at Sandwich Animal Hospital, Happy Holidays! We wish you and your family the very best in the New Year. Visit your Bourne, MA vet clinic for all of your pet’s healthcare needs. 

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