The holidays are officially upon us! As you do your shopping, don’t forget to pick up something for your canine companion. If Fido were able to write a list to Santa Claws, he’d probably ask for lots of bacon, belly rubs, and car rides. However, there are some better ways to fill your furry best friend’s stocking. Read on as a local Bourne, MA vet lists some great gifts for Man’s Best Friend.
Toys are always great gifts for Fido. You can offer your pooch some classic dog toys, like rope toys or tennis balls. Or, try something more modern, like a mechanical ball launcher. Don’t forget to snap a photo of your pup playing with his new things!
A new bed is a great present for your four-legged friend. If Fido is a large breed or a senior, he may appreciate an orthopedic bed. Little dogs often like beds with raised sides, while dogs that like to stamp their beds down may like beanbag beds.
New Gear
Could your canine buddy use a new leash or harness? Put one in Fido’s stocking!
Travel Gear
Our canine pals love to get out and about and explore new places. Get your pooch a doggy water bottle with an attached bowl. A new travel pack may also come in handy.
Nothing gets that cute tail going like the thought of a yummy snack! Store-bought snacks are fine, but you can also make your dog’s treats. Just stick to ingredients that are safe for Fido.
Does your canine companion have thin fur? Fido may be more comfortable with a doggy jacket on when it’s cold outside.
Dental Products
Keeping up with your pet’s dental care is very important! Dental-formula treats and chews make great stocking stuffers. Your furry pal may also enjoy a doggy oral rinse or dental flakes.
Grooming Supplies
Fido may not be thrilled about taking baths, but he does like feeling soft and clean. Brushes, wipes, and shampoos are all good stocking stuffers for your four-legged buddy. Paw balm or wax is another great choice. You may also want to get a set of clippers that are equipped with sensors.
All of us here at Sandwich Animal Hospital, Inc., your Bourne, MA vet clinic, want to wish you and your family a wonderful, safe, and happy holiday season. Please contact us anytime!