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Bunnyproofing Basics

October 15, 2019

Have you recently adopted a bunny? If so, you’ve chosen an adorable little pet. Don’t be fooled by that cute face, though. Bunnies are chewing machines! This is because they have open-rooted teeth, and can develop painful dental issues if they don’t chew enough. In order to protect both your rabbit and your belongings, you’ll need to do some bunnyproofing. Here, a Sandwich, MA vet discusses making your home safe for Floppy.

Small Objects

Anything small is a serious choking hazard for bunnies. This includes things like tacks, beads, safety pins, pen caps, jewelry, sewing kit pieces, coins, and batteries. Keep these things out of paws’ reach.


Plastic bags, wrappers, and ties are also very hazardous. You’ll also want to be careful with thin plastic things, like poker chips, that Floppy could break into smaller pieces.


Wires and cords are a huge safety hazard! Floppy could be seriously hurt, or even killed, if she chews a live wire. She could also start a fire! Use protective casing to protect wires and cords. You can also treat them with taste deterrents.


Many bunnies love to chew on carpets. Try putting down cardboard or thick plastic sheets before letting Floppy out to play. Or, put rubber mats down in her play area.

Bunny-Sized Holes

Bunnies are very curious, and love to explore. Seal off any holes Floppy could wiggle into, such as the spaces under beds, couches, and other pieces of furniture. Also, block off the openings beneath or behind cabinets.


The average household contains quite a few items that are toxic to pets. Toxic plants, chemicals, medication, cleaning agents, lawn/garden products, and automotive products are just a few examples. Keep these things in secure cabinets.


Baseboards and wooden furniture legs are the perfect height for Floppy to nibble on. Protective coverings and/or taste deterrents are your best bets here.


One of the best ways to protect your belongings is to basically bribe your pet. Make sure that Floppy always has plenty of suitable chew toys. Many wood, paper, and cardboard items are fine. Training is also important. If you see your bunny chewing inappropriately, scold her gently and stamp your foot. You’ll also want to reward her for chewing her toys by giving her praise, treats, and compliments.

As your Sandwich, MA vet clinic, we’re dedicated to offering great care. Call us anytime!

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492 Route 6A
East Sandwich, MA 02537
(508) 888-2774
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