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6 Ways To Keep Your Cat Healthy

August 1 2019

Cats are known for being fairly easy keepers. Fluffy will meticulously clean her fur every day, and she’ll use a litterbox to discretely do her business. However, kitties aren’t entirely independent. They need good care to truly thrive! Read on as a Sandwich, MA vet offers tips on keeping your cat healthy.

Good Food

Proper nutrition will play a huge role in your furry pal’s overall health. Offer Fluffy a high-quality, nourishing food, but don’t overfeed her. Pay close attention to portion sizes, as even giving your kitty just a few calories too many each day can cause her to gain weight. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Clean Litterbox

Dirty litterboxes aren’t just smelly and unsightly: they’re also a breeding ground for nasty germs. Scoop boxes out daily, and then replacing the litter every week or so. When you’re doing this, keep an eye out for changes in the odor, color, amount, or texture of your feline buddy’s waste. These can be indications of serious illness!

Veterinary Care

Keeping up with your pet’s veterinary care is very important! Kitties should be spayed or neutered, microchipped, and kept current on their vaccinations and parasite control products. At home, watch for signs of illness, such as hiding, poor grooming, limping, vomiting, diarrhea, and/or respiratory issues. Call your vet immediately if you notice anything amiss. Keep in mind that cats tend to hide signs of illness. Fluffy could be quite sick by the time you realize something is wrong!

Keep Kitty In

We know, cats love fun outdoor activities, like refusing to come when called, bringing their humans ‘gifts,’ and leaving pawprints on our cars. However, Fluffy will be both safer and healthier indoors, where she’s protected from weather, cars, wild animals, chemicals, and other hazards.


Our feline pals are notoriously mischievous. Do some kittyproofing by removing or securing potential hazards. Some of the things you’ll want to address are toxic plants; wires and cords; plastic bags and ties; chemicals; medicine; and anything small or sharp. Ask your vet for more information.


Cats are very emotional, and really do best when they feel healthy, happy, and loved. Pay lots of attention to Fluffy, and provide kitty comforts like toys, soft beds, and cat furniture.

Please contact us, your Sandwich, MA vet clinic, for all your kitty’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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